Rental or Lease Agreement

A Rental or Lease Agreement is a contract specifying the terms and conditions of the Tenant's occupancy. Together with the laws of your state, the agreement sets out almost all the legal and practical rules the Tenant and Landlord must follow. Use TotalLegal's effective and state-specific agreement to rent your residential home, vacation home, apartment, condo, etc.

1 Step One 1
Complete the online interview.
1 Step Two 1
Print your Lease Agreement yourself or receive by mail.
1 Step Three 1
Follow the instructions to sign a Lease Agreement in your state.
Provide the following information to begin:
What is a lease agreement?
Who is considered a Tenant?
What is the advantage of having a written lease agreement?
What if I'm not sure who the tenant is going to be yet?
Who will be the Landlord(s) named in this lease?
Select the number of Landlords:
Landlord #1
First Name: *    Last Name:    *
Address:  *
City:  *  State:  *  Zip:
Who will be the Tenant(s) named in this lease?  
Select the number of Tenants:
Tenant #1
First Name:    Last Name:   

 Your privacy is 100% confidential.
* Required Field
TotalLegal™ has helped thousands of people nationwide make essential documents themselves. You can create a Lease Agreement in minutes, print and sign it yourself, without an attorney.
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